مادة : (scenic ) - (مــيــس / خــلــود عــمــاد)

الرقم الصورة الدرس مشاهده


1 ..Lesson 1: Motion in One Direction
2 Lesson 1: Motion in One Direction ex
3 Lesson 2: Graphic Representation of the Motion in a Straight Line
4 Lesson 2: Graphic Representation of the Motion in a Straight Line ex
5 Lesson 3: Physical Quantities; Scalars and Vectors
6 Lesson 3: Physical Quantities; Scalars and Vectors ex


1 Uint 2: Lesson 1 : Mirrors
2 Uint 2:Lesson 1 : Mirrors ex
3 unit 2 lesson 2


1 unit 3 lesson 1


1 unit 4 lesson 1
2 unit 4 lesson 2

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